Soltero este proiectul lui Tim Howard. Noul album Soltero, You're No Dream - out April 11, 2008!
"Sublimely baroque.... To our ears, Soltero sounds like Grandaddy jamming with Ryan Adams, which is to say that the band should be much bigger than it is. As soon as we heard Howard sing, 'She was drunk and I was high/ And so was she and so was I/ With the blessings of the backdoor punks/ And the savoir-faire of fall-down drunks' (from the new song 'Acadian Coast'), we knew this was a kindred barroom spirit." - James Reed, Boston Globe
Soltero @ Myspace.
So look me in the eyes under expanding winter skies
You'll find a feeling there that never knows the cold
Look me in the eyes and the skeptic in me dies
The skeptic is a fool
We are exceptions to the rule
You'll find a feeling there that never knows the cold
Look me in the eyes and the skeptic in me dies
The skeptic is a fool
We are exceptions to the rule
Soltero @ Myspace.
strada cu lei si poates i o biserica catolica pavata cu piatra lui traian si felinare cet e duc spre strada paris o rabla abandonata intesata cu sobolani clubul amatorilor de table un unger inghetat ces ta incruntat la balconul unei cladiri gri intesate de iedera o primarie darapanata mai jos de lei, un cersetor cu un ochi dess ticla ce iti cere doar sa i dai o zi buna...iar marea o poti arunca din priviris tand in turnul moschei bla bla
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