Saturday, February 28, 2009

California L-O-V-E

This is an ode to the Golden State.
...sung by a wonderfully twisted, naked French lady

california dreamin' never ends
california love
driving in the sun
california girls, Knebworth 1980, such feel good music

Saturday, February 21, 2009

9 zile

Lumina s-a aprins din nou. Langa geam e o balta mica de sange care se dilueaza incet cu apa, cu vin, cu varul cazut de sub tapet. Fix noua zile de integritate spirituala si fizica, de mutenie placuta a gandurilor, de zambete inexplicabile in mijlocul zilei, in mijlocul strazii, in mijlocul ninsorii. Iar acum, nodul in gat, golul din cap, durerea din stomac, tiuitul asurzitor al camerei... Umbra a reaparut.

Friday, February 20, 2009

sundown, sundown

(sursa: NYTIMES)

"The Last Carnival" imi place cel mai mult dintre piesele noului album. Am gasit din intamplare pe youtube videoclipul asta facut de un fan, si mi-a placut foarte mult, so here it is:

Sundown, sundown
They're taking all the tents down
Where have you gone my handsome Billy?

Sundown, sundown
The carnival train's leaving town
Where are you now darling Billy?

We won't be dancing together on the high wire
Facing the lions with you at my side anymore
We won't be breathin' the smoke and the fire
On a midway

Hanging from the trapeze
My wrists waiting for your wrists
Two daredevils high up on the wall of death
You throwin' the knife that lands inches from my heart

Moonrise, moonrise
The light that was in your eyes has gone away
Daybreak, daybreak
The thing in you that made me ache has gone to stay

We'll be riding the train without you tonight
The train that keeps on movin'
Its black smoke scorching the evening sky
A millions stars shining above us like every soul livin' and dead
Has been gathered together by a God to sing a hymn over your bones

Sun down, sun down
Empty are the fairgrounds
Where are you now handsome Billy?

RIP Danny

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Vampire Weekend!

Welcome back, Beach Boys! It was only a matter of time :D Woo-hoo!

...sau dupa cum am citit pe youtube, "this is like Santeria on speed!"

site oficial

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy birthday, Conor!

If you hate the taste of wine
Why do you drink it till you're blind?
And if you swear that there's no truth and who cares
How come you say it like you're right?
Why are you scared to dream of God
When it's salvation that you want?
You see stars that are clear have been dead for years
But the idea just lives on...

In our wheels that roll around
As we move over the ground
And all day it seems we've been in between
A past and future town

We are nowhere and it's now
We are nowhere and it's now

And like a ten minute dream in the passenger's seat
While the world was flying by
I haven't been gone very long
But it feels like a lifetime

I've been sleeping so strange at night
Side effects they don't advertise
I've been sleeping so strange
With a head full of pesticide

I've got no plans and too much time
I feel too restless to unwind
I'm always lost in thought as I walk a block
To my favorite neon sign

Where the waitress looks concerned
But she never says a word
Just turns the jukebox on and we hum along
And I smile back at her

And my friend comes after work
When the features start to blur
She says these bars are filled with things that kill
By now you probably should have learned

Did you forget that yellow bird?
But how could you forget your yellow bird?
She took a small silver wreath and pinned it onto me
She said this one will bring you love
And I don't know if it's true
But I keep it for good luck

+ Lime Tree

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Sunt genul de om cu zero toleranta pentru B.S. Nu cred, nu vreau sa aud, nu ma impresioneaza. Sigur, mi s-a intamplat nu o data sa accept sperand ca poti invata ceva de la oricine, si ca ura se duce cunoscand mai bine omul respectiv, ca o sa descopar energii si puteri nebanuite. Mai are vreun sens sa spun ca n-a fost asa? B.S. nu se spala, ci se intinde si manjeste tot, ajunge sa te manjeasca si pe tine. Vorba aceea, pe cine nu lasi sa moara nu te lasa sa traiesti. Nu am ce sa invat de la oameni mici, mincinosi, prefacuti, usori. Oameni care cauta 4 bete din care sa isi faca o coliba, si 2 pungi de plastic in care sa-si care hainele dintr-o parte in alta. Si cand te gandesti ca aproape te-am crezut TOCMAI pe tine, imi vine sa si rad, serios. As rade daca n-ar fi Trist.

Cand mi-e rau, spun ca vreau sa fiu singura, dar nu e asa. Mi-e rau des. Te imping din neputinta si nestiinta, daca nu te clintesti inseamna ca esti ca mine, ca ma cunosti fara sa ma cunosti, dar ca stii, ca poti, si ca ai raspunsurile. Asta vreau: un om cu raspunsuri - pot fi gresite, pana la urma nici nu e important fiindca omul cu credinta imprastie certitudini si cine stie, poate se lipeste si de mine una.

Interactiunea mea cu lumea din jur se reduce, de multe ori absolut involuntar, la o serie de "teste" pe care le dau fara sa imi dau seama, atat lor, cat si mie. Putini le trec, si asta ma bucura chiar daca pe moment ma distruge. Nu-mi plac grupurile, le-am lasat in liceu. Grupurile sunt, din punctul meu de vedere, cuiburi de orgolii si frici cu care fiecare membru vine si pleaca. Vreau oameni putini si buni, aproape, lipiti, infricosati dar puternici, oameni cu viziune, cu motoare, roti, discurs, idei, CONTINUT amplu, teatral, un om cu toate cuvintele la el!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

it's like marrow without bone

Esti sechestrat in aceeasi camera luminata orbitor. Ta vad. Te privesc si azi cum te agiti dintr-o parte in alta, gesticulezi ca un nebun si pasesti din ce in ce mai aproape de fereastra, si in acelasi timp, mai aproape de mine. Eu nu pot sa fac altceva decat sa te privesc in toata minunatia ta, minunatie care bate la usa sinistrului tocmai pentru ca tu nu te ascunzi in intuneric, ca orice om de rand, tu stralucesti.


Introducing from Portland....
(semnati de Kill Rock Stars)

horse feathers pe myspace
krs artist page