Wednesday, July 30, 2008

shut the light, shut the shade

Pentru el, cel care nu aude, nu vrea, nu stie, nu afla. Pentru departare si apropiere, alternarea celor doua fara oprire, fara ratiune, mecanic, ca o roata care se toceste si aluneca usor plutind in final in deriva. Pentru absenta in general. Absenta care doare mai putin decat apropierea. Absenta care inteapa, nu doare, ab-sen-ta.

Monday, July 28, 2008

des reflets changeants sous la pluie

Pentru ca Portugalia sa fie mai insorita decat oricand!
...Si pentru ca Franta e rabdatoare in momentele-cheie.

***pe coloana sonora a filmului Le Scaphandre et le Papillon (2007)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

sullen state

I'm always on the outside looking in at you sitting at the table. It's always dark.

I think I know what the saddest song ever written is:

Oh, and for fuck's sake, don't watch Feast of love.
Or at least don't watch it at 6am on a Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

deeper than love

We're back to square one. Toate lunile astea n-au schimbat nimic.

My heart is broken
Here in the cup of my hands
From between cracked fingers
Old blood spills

I had to move on, baby
For when I tasted my own tears
They were too sweet
And I knew that I had come to close